Hello @s1y99
reading your other post, I think you already figured that out yourself. It's not possible to jumper LoRa V1.1 so the same GPIOs are used as it were for the older LoRa module.
Both LoRa modules use the same GPIOs for MOSI (23), MISO (19) and SCK (18). However RST and IRQ cannot be jumpered the same; CS/NSS can be jumpered the same.
LoRa (433 old): RST(26), IRQ (36), CS/NSS (5)
LoRa V1.1: RST(25/13), IRQ (35/34), CS/NSS (0, 15, 12, 5)
Note: GPIO numbers above are for an M5Core (Basic).
Please also see schematics here and here.
Just curious. What is preventing you from modifying your firmware to use the GPIOs of the newer LoRa module?