A waterproof M5Stack, would allow me to modernize my RC submarine and gain in performance and a lot of space.!0_1611916086840_DSCN0452.JPG 0_1611916154507_P005852.jpg
Hello, sounds interesting! right now you can already use the graphic on the left to add labels and other items and change it although full simulation is not available yet.
I am suffering from a similar problem.
I tried to use Pa.HUB to use two Light sensors in addition to the M5 Stick C + UIflow.
However, even if unit can be selected, HUB does not appear in the menu for selecting Port.
Please let me know if there is a solution.
thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately an on the screen indicator would not be updated properly if the M5Paper is turned off by pressing the reset / power off button. That is where an LED indicator, which is independent of the screen, would come in handy.
I just wanted to chime in and mention that with UIFlow firmware that I also do not have the RGB leds showing up as hardware options in block view in the UIFlow IDE. I do not have the "Set bus power mode" as an available block. I CAN however call rgb.setColorAll() and other rgb functions from the python code and get the correct output from the LED strips on the Core2 M5go Bottom2 hardware. So I am not sure what that means as far as where the bug is.
@mati I bought 5 16gb cards, tested them yesterday, they work fine. But, I have 32gb that work in all my pc's and my phone but don't work in my m5paper. I did have to use as CS of 4 in the SD.begin() call, this is not documented in the SD_Test example.