Just getting back into M5Stack hardware, got an idea I want to implement, created the first screen with some select buttons, then got stuck as I found no way to create multiple views and switch between them.
Tried to clear the screen, and draw something, but the buttons are still visible as white rectangles, even when set to hidden.
@felmue What an undiscovered gem, until I realized that I have one, way in the bottom of my parts drawer!
I did not realize that it would source 1A !!!
I just built a MOSFET inside a M5Stack Proto Unit to drive a display. duh
One in Grove I2C format so can be used with ATOM too, maybe with an extra onboard IC for decoding packet radio and 3.5mm plug for output, also included 3.5mm to Grove cable for doing stuff with signal on host
I'd love to see this board. For Atom and Stick too. But ideally, the module would buck 5V to the controller and the controller would be able to set the output voltage of the HV circuit.
I'd also love to see a charge regulator/BMS module you could plug lipo cells directly into to form 2S, 3S, 4S... circuits.
Using the INT is a good idea (I was thinking an extra IC), but now that you mention it, having both white & UV could be useful to others as well.
I shouldn't have put the word "spectrum", but rather (color) "temperature" (what I'm using the sensor for, roughly calculated from the RGB intensities). To truly read a spectral response would require a prism/grating and a linear monochromatic sensor (and calibration).