If your on mac the downloaded firmwares can be found by right clicking M5Burner selecting "Show Package contents" then clicking through to Contents > Resources > Packages > fw then you will find the firmware files in each respective core folders. I don't have a linux machine handy at the moment but perhaps the folder structure is similar

Posts made by lukasmaximus
RE: Separate firmware from M5burner
RE: M5Paper - operational
@kevindtimm if you look at the first line comment of most of the arduino examples, they will require some font file or jpg file included in the example folder, to be transferred to the SD card
RE: M5Paper - operational
hi @kevindtimm which SD card brand did you use, did you make sure to format it to fat32 and put the necessary files in the root of the sd card
RE: M5Paper load font
please refer to my reply on your other post, has this been replicated 3 times now?
RE: M5Paper load font from sdcard
Hi @Powersoft please don't double post, and refer to my reply on your other post
RE: M5Paper load font message "FT_Stream_Open: opened `/GenSenRounded-R.ttf' but zero-sized"
Hey @Powersoft this example requires you to put the GenSenRounded-R.ttf font file found in the M5EPD_TTF example folder in the root of an sd card or load it into spiffs with the "ESP32 Sketch Data Upload" plugin, did you do that?
RE: M5Paper SD Card Issues
I haven't had any problems with SD cards in the M5Paper, I have been using Sandisk Ultra cards 8-16gb. I think the max sd size for esp32 should be 32gb, make sure to format to fat32, and make sure the font or jpg file are in the root of the device. Perhaps it is also possible to use larger exfat formatted cards as stated in this forum post https://www.esp32.com/viewtopic.php?t=14492 I haven't tried this myself.
RE: Pure Micro Python without Ui-Flow on my M5Stack core2
Hi @Wolli01 as for the M5 Basic you can refer to my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPRNUCBTVy4 As for M5Core2 I cant tell you as I haven't got round to testing pure micropython on this device. If the screen is not displaying anything are you sure you have a micropython driver in the flash and have initialized the screen in your code?
RE: Pure Micro Python without Ui-Flow on my M5Stack core2
Hey @Wolli01 unfortunately this option isn't available right now but you can take a look into it yourself if you have the know how, the screen of m5core2 uses littlevgl library which has been ported to micropython https://github.com/lvgl/lv_binding_micropython for the micropython firmware you can just go to micropython.org and download one of the firmwares for generic esp32. As for the various modules there has never been an official github with these available, I have one for mpu6886 and axp on my personal github which should work though. I'm afraid this is going to be like a jigsaw puzzle, piecing various resources together to create the firmware you want
RE: How to use EasyLoader with the ToF sensor ?
@ramaker please clarify which module you are using for the dc motors, is it the go plus or lego as there are a few that control dc motors, once I know the one I should have a better idea of which cables you need
RE: Brocken Stick
have you set it in usb mode? it seems to keep changing often how you change to usb mode on stickC, but generally if you mash some buttons when it starts up you should se different options
RE: How to use EasyLoader with the ToF sensor ?
Hey @ramaker I agree that it is not clear what program the easyloader is burning, sometimes there is a video below which demonstrates what the example program will do but not always. Generally the easyloader is flashing one of the arduino examples from various product example programs found here https://github.com/m5stack/M5-ProductExampleCodes Easyloader was designed simply as a testing mechanism and for users who are not familiar on how to flash a program in arduino, hope this clears things up a little
RE: Core2 how to load WAV files
I made a video on this subject not too long ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYIVRIQj6gE
RE: M5StickC/ATOM on MacOS Catalina can't upload/ ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header solution (Solved)
@finnsen I didn't catch what you were trying to flash to your device, if you are trying to update uiflow firmware on the device with M5Burner and it fails, have you tried using esptool to flash firmware? if you were uploading an arduino program there are known issues with all esp32 devices on catalina not just m5stack https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/issues/9438 I did make a video a while back ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTCjKhVKOto) about using m5stack devices on catalina and I didn't seem to come across any of the issues you mentioned, perhaps the issues are with a later revision of catalina, I'll update and take a look when I get chance.
RE: [SOLVED] Arduino IDE on Windows won't flash
No drivers needed for stickC and atom on linux, but you need to know what you're doing to allow access to the usb, e.g. add permission for non root user, this could be especially tricky if using linux in a virtual machine.
RE: "Identifier redefined as global" error when using Blockly functions
I just started to get this error today too when trying an m5f file that had previously worked fine. Thanks for highlighting this guys, I'll create a bug report
RE: Cahnge Font Size in Python
I have a vague recollection that the command lcd.compileFont() was required, I could be wrong though, it's a long time since I experimented with adding fonts
RE: HMI usb display for raspi/linux/windows
This is the project @ajb2k3 was referring to https://www.hackster.io/yama-chan/m5stack-x-raspberry-pi-pocket-computer-171968 I haven't tried it yet but I have all the necessary gear now so I may give it a go if I get chance
RE: GROVE I2C 5V or 3.3V?
@johnny241 said in GROVE I2C 5V or 3.3V?:
@lukasmaximus comment faire pour implémenter ce convertisseur de niveau logique?