I noticed that Arduino IDE can output tge detail Information on ELF file etc. while compiling. I think this detail information will be very helpful for studing further about the binary content in the M5Stack Flash memory.
Thank you everybody.
Firmware: M5GO core
Version: 1.13.2
Use according to the guide, graph receives data for 1 cycle, M5GO crashes afterwards.
Error" File "<string> ". line 56 in addToList Exception: 16
Der Schrittmotor funktioniert nur korrekt in der Z-Achse bei normalen (langsamen) Drehgeschwindigkeiten.
Beim Versuch, die X- und Y-Achsen zu verwenden, funktioniert der Motor nur, wenn ich die Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten auf das 10-fache oder höher erhöhe.
Wenn ich versuche, die Adresse auf 0x71 zu ändern, wird das Modul nicht erkannt.
connect imu irq pin
connect rtc irq pin to esp32 to let us know whether the irq comes from power button or rtc
let the buttons go out the case for easier access
reduce time of power on btn to a single click
seperate LED and IR for incognito use
add the L-R-Center button from the M5Paper
Power consumption update: even though the example keeps the M5CoreInk in shutdown mode (everything off except for the RTC) most of the time and only powers up for about 2 seconds every minute to do the update, the built in battery only last for about one week.
I saved a copy of the IP5306_I2C data sheet from a long time ago. In this table, I see the charge current can be set by the CHG_DIG_CTL0 register (see the formula). I would assume the M5stack designers took care of setting the max charge current with that register bits 0 through 4, though I could be wrong.
0_1610043247081_Screen Shot 2021-01-06 at 12.36.51 PM.png
@m5stack Thanks to take it into consideration.
I received my Core2 today. Trying to plug the PLC circuit after removing the bottom seems difficult. On the left side there is a metallic thing (motor?) that push the circuit, and pin headers are really short.
About headers, you sell SMT mount connector in your shop but I think they are 2.5mm long (like the old modules one's)? right? on the micro-module they are 3.5mm (total height 5.84).
For makers like me, if we want to build modules prototype, where can we find compatible trough hole or SMT connectors? I search and found nothing? any ref?
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I did stumble upon the bin2code.py script you mention. The issue is that it doesn't convert the image to raw pixel data (usable by M5EPD_Driver::WriteFullGram4bpp).
After a bit more research, I found a preliminary command using ImageMagik to convert an image to raw pixel data for the M5EPD: convert input.png -depth 4 -negate output.gray
Then convert the raw data to C with bin2code.py : ./bin2code.py output.gray
Hello, after contacting M5Stack support the problem is probably the flash chip, M5Stack is replacing my M5Paper.
I had performed this upload test at slow speed but without improvement. Thanks for your help
@sodoku Thanks. I just got an email that the M5's are back in stock... Digikey still showing backordered though. Guess i'll have to order from M5 directly.
Without opening M5CoreInk you probably cannot measure battery voltage with a multimeter. However you can use GPIO35 to read the battery voltage. Check out float getBatVoltage() here.
BTW: I've opened my M5CoreInk today and added some photos to my page (link below). Measuring power consumption in light sleep, deep sleep and shutdown will be next.
I stumbled on this restriction again, and dug a bit deeper in the issue.
It appears that the hardware is not limiting the baudrate, but the M5Stack library. More specifically, M5.begin();
Luckily, you can skip the UART init, and do it yourself like this:
hmm, strange, if anything I'd expected the M5Stack Gray to work with low brightness level and the M5Stack Black to not behave due to the fact that the M5Stack Gray has additional hardware (e.g. IMU) consuming power to keep the device powered on.
That said, I suspect the IP5306 switching off due to too light load. Try to add the following statement before going into deep sleep. It should prevent the IP5306 from shutting down under light load.
You have added the M5Core2 library and are doing #include <M5Core2.h> and not using M5Stack.h. Until they merge it my Pull Request and release a new version, my version is more like it will be, better documented and has graphical buttons. (Simply clone it or get the zip file and unpack so that M5Core2 is a subdir of your Arduino libraries dir.)