check software/hardware menu on left hand side below unit needs to be added

Posts made by robski
RE: UI widgets missing in UIFlow 2
RE: Cardputer keeps restarting.
@anubisdarkwatch said in Cardputer keeps restarting.:
@robski So with another firmware it was showing as having 98% charge, I just loaded UIFlow2 and it showed as 22%. Weird. So I have it charging now, hopefully that is the issue.
think it charges battery when connected and ON/OFF switch in ON position
RE: Cardputer keeps restarting.
have you tried easyloader from M5Stack device documents web?
RE: jo guys can you help me burn becaus i can't anymore
and your M5Stack device is......
RE: Need help using a M5Stick with broken screen
you can connect any other screen to it via I2C,
you can use "print" to see status via its comport,
you can attach some sensors like ENV2,3,4 etc to build room temp monitor with its own web UI ... with broken screen its like any ESP32 out there and there is plenty of examples for it -
RE: Is my CoreS3 SE defective?
Have you tried EasyLoader files like "CoreS3 Factory Firmware Easyloader" from documents webpage?
RE: UIFlow V2 button on screen missing
@aTT11 said in UIFlow V2 button on screen missing:
Hello there,
my goal is to control WLED fixture via CORE2 (by a simple http requests).
Does anyone know how to add a simple buttons on a screen. Some older tuts show the button block in UI section but now it isn`t there.
Thanks in advance.
does buttons now need to be added/enabled in hardware section? left hand side of the screen below device image
RE: No COM detected after connecting to PC
@JourneymanWizard said in No COM detected after connecting to PC:
@Juraj I can share my issue and solution using an M5Core3SE and a Win11 computer.
When I connected the M5 to the USB-A port on the PC using a USB-A to USB-C cable, I got power, but no COM ports.
When I connected the M5 to the USB-C port on the PC (using a USB-C to USB-C cable), BOOM: COM port.
I haven't dug into it to see particularly why (best guess right now is the M5 connection uses both the legacy USB 2.0 connection as well as the SuperSpeed connection: one for the terminal and one for the M5 program data stream?)
Hope this helps.
so you are using 2 different cables and its ok on just issue with pc, no issue with M5..check with dofferent A to C USB
RE: M5Dial - bricked? Twice? No, some help needed
as long comport is visible when M5Dial is connencted then you should be able to reload firmware or just use one of Easyloader samples from M5Dial documents web page
RE: M5Dial drawEllipseArc does not fill the arc
@JeroenDP i would recommend checking VolosR on YT and his ui approach - very informative
RE: Download shows 'Progress' but nothing happens
@Andriigr what browser are you using for uiflow?
is all fine when you press RUN?
in general when you load firmware via burner it also binds device to your account and by using "configure" you can set in device your wifi connection so then in uiflow (with same account) your device is visible (green dot) via local wifi -
RE: HELP PLEASE Display Image and Play WAV File on M5Stack Core2
so what are you doing so far to display image on button press? example of your code?
RE: Can I use an Atom Echo to 'smarten' an LED string
you would need something like PWM kit to do what you need ...
RE: M5StickCPlus2 won’t boot after installing Bruce via Web Updater
@kaidencoolkid tried to "erase" first? or try to install simple arduino sketch to it. Is com port detected by pc when Stic is connected to usb?
RE: how to implement gradient arcs/circles
@mukul_100_ i would recommend to study some of YT VolosR examples of his approach to UI
RE: without really understanding, I started installing firmware as a result, the stick no longer turns on what should I do?
open M5Burner, if you see comport detected when you connect M5Stick to usb then next step would be to burn CORRECT firmware to it as there are few versions for M5Stick
RE: Download shows 'Progress' but nothing happens
@nak750 said in Download shows 'Progress' but nothing happens:
Hi all, I am new to UIFlow and M5 Stack, I have done the Firmware flash using the M5Burner. Now using UIFlow, I can connect to the Serial Port, I can see the device sending default messages, then I press on Download, it shows 'Progress' but nothing happens. Can anyone please help?
I have tried the Download button on the right bottom of the UIFlow, this then shows Device Disconnected, but the webpage shows USB connected?what M5Stack device do you have? some have to be in boot mode to allow programming, some accept new program straight away
RE: A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to Espressif device: No serial data received
@GreekAlex can you see comport being detected when you connecting usb in to it?
RE: Cardputer worked fine , but something happened on the screen and now a part of it is not displayed.
@MiguelM looks like rotation isnt right, what is displayed if you just burn easyLoader demo file or latest uiflow2 firmware from M5Burner?