I can't detect any with Atom Lite.

Latest posts made by Bat21
RE: Help with M5Stack CoreS3 BLE Implementation in UIFlow 2 - Detecting Specific Beacon
RE: Help with M5Stack CoreS3 BLE Implementation in UIFlow 2 - Detecting Specific Beacon
I'm interested in the project, I'm trying to make it so that when it detects a BLE MAC it turns on a light -
RE: UHF RFID Unit (JRD4035) on M5Core2
Hello everyone
Nobody with M5Core 2 and UHF RFID UNIT (JRD4035) running properly?
Cheers. -
RE: UHF RFID Unit (JRD4035) on M5Core2
Hello again,
This is the information that I visualize from the EPC.
[From M5Burner] Com22 Opened.30395D
-30On the Core 2 screen, it is 30395d.
When the complete EPC of the label is 30395DFA835F7E4000466D16
I don't understand anything, both in the Core2 and at the Atom.Cheers
RE: UHF RFID Unit (JRD4035) on M5Core2
@kylebuttress Hello,
Thanks for your example, installed vScode IDE with python and program your example.
It works the same as in Fixow and Arduino. It only shows 6 EPC characters and only reads some EPCs.
It is very strange that with all the examples on different platforms the same thing happens.Thanks for your help,
RE: UHF RFID Unit (JRD4035) on M5Core2
@tobias-h said in UHF RFID Unit (JRD4035) on M5Core2:
I was wondering if the examples from the M5Stack Repository will be re-released on the M5Core2 repository. Unfortunately I am not able to get my JRD4035 running on a M5Core2. Anybody maybe has experience in this or info when examples will be released?
Best wishes
Tobias H.Hello,
What examples is using, I can't make any.
Thank you. -
RE: M5 Core2 and unit UHF-RFID are bugged in UIFlow (bytes index out of range)
Hello everyone,
I have the same problem, I have Core2 and Aton Lite and it doesn't work on any.
The labels are not, since I have the SDK for JRD 4035 and I see them all. The EPC comes out complete with all its characters.With IIFLOW I have only managed to read from the EPC 6 characters.
In Arduino I have not been able to make the EPC read.I have worn € 300 and it is very disappointing.
Sorry for my bad English
RE: UHF RFID on a M5Core2
@gleon said in UHF RFID on a M5Core2:
I’ve been trying to compile the demo sketch for multiple reads.With some tweaking I was able to compile the demo single read sketch... But i have not been able to compile the multiple read.
I've switched the library: #include <M5Core2.h> and also the ports for the serial comm:
Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 33, 32);But i could not make the multiple read sketch to compile.
Actually, not sure if I'm having problems with this part of the code:
RFID.clean_data();or this one:
cards = RFID.Multiple_polling_instructions(6);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cards.len; i++)
if(cards.card[i]._EPC.length() == 24)
Serial.println("RSSI :" + cards.card[i]._RSSI);
Serial.println("PC :" + cards.card[i]._PC);
Serial.println("EPC :" + cards.card[i]._EPC);
Serial.println("CRC :" + cards.card[i]._CRC);
Serial.println(" ");
RFID.clean_data();Does anyone have aby thoughts on where to problem could be?
What Sketch do you use?
You can't see EPC or Aton Lite or Core2
Thank s -
RE: UHF RFID on a M5Core2
Yes, they are the ones I have EPC Global UHF Class 1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-6C uses them Decathlon. I have Core 2 and Atom Lite, it does not work in any of the cases.
IIFOW does not work for examples and Arduino Libreria either.Thank you
RE: UHF RFID on a M5Core2
I'm going to try, to see what kind of labels I have.
Thank you