having two devices using the same IP address is never a good thing in any network.
The other thing which needs to be different between clients is the MQTT client id as it is used by the Mosquitto broker to distinguish between clients.
Yes, you must replace for example read temperature block with block which reads temperature from hat you use. Ewentually adds new block lcd.print for printing pressure and humidity with appropriate blocks reading data from these sensors But problems may be with icon and weather description, because the weather description and icon number corresponding to the current weather is downloaded from the accuweather.com website. some fun and testing with font type, coordinates and colors and it will work
Given that I can now see the console, I determined that it throws OSError if the http GET fails. Which is a weird error to throw, but OK. So I put that in my except: clause, and it's humming away!
@conrad i use uPyCraft to transfer files to atom. You can also connect uPycraft with atom and use REPL (something like command shell) to use interactive micropython command interpreter). With UiFlow it is possible but you must first transfer libraries to /apps folder in flash memory and use advanced->execute->execute code to run appropriate commands, ewentually write raw code in Python </> tab. In this option code probably properly run only when you download it to device (not run with play button).
If i find some free time then i create custom block to scroll text using recently added Hardwares->Rgb->set atom matrixblock, but i must do some experiments with it.