# https://github.com/jkirsons/OpenTyrian.git
$ make menuconfig
Makefile:9: /make/project.mk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '/make/project.mk'. Stop.

Posts made by sysdl132
Problems when building OpenTyrian for esp32...
FATAL ERROR: Name m5line is not defined
from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * import unit setScreenColor(0x514f4f) earth0 = unit.get(unit.EARTH, unit.PORTA) std = M5Circle(40, 91, 10, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF) text0 = M5TextBox(61, 119, "Status", lcd.FONT_Default, 0x78ff00, rotate=180) text1 = M5TextBox(77, 149, "Water monitor", lcd.FONT_DefaultSmall, 0x00e5ff, rotate=0) label0 = M5TextBox(77, 58, "value:", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xe4ff00, rotate=180) rectangle0 = M5Rect(2, 41, 34, 20, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF) angread = M5TextBox(30, 57, "err", lcd.FONT_DefaultSmall, 0x000000, rotate=180) rectangle1 = M5Rect(16, 11, 20, 20, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF) label1 = M5TextBox(77, 27, "Unit std:", lcd.FONT_DefaultSmall, 0xfffe00, rotate=180) line0 = M5Line(M5Line.PLINE, 16, 128, 62, 128, 0xFFFFFF) # <--bug line need = M5TextBox(75, 74, "Water needed!", lcd.FONT_DefaultSmall, 0xff0000, rotate=180) # sysinit def init(): need.hide() angread.setText('0') rectangle0.setBgColor(0xff0000) rectangle0.setBorderColor(0xff0000) std.setBgColor(0xff0000) std.setBorderColor(0xff0000) init() while True: if False: angread.setText(str(earth0.analogValue)) elif False: pass wait_ms(2)
RE: I think my StickC has died ... any suggestions?
You can try to reset your 'sick-C' by erase your flash and burn the firmware again?
(my older m5stickC bought at 2017 .it never 'died'. I erase and burn the firmware for about 1,500 times and it never 'sicked') -
RE: Bitcoin / Multi Crypto Coin Ticker with 24 candlesticks chart
can you made the green frame to blue?The default icon is blue. -
RE: Erry when I try to build micropython firmware
maybe your compiler has some error(I only used arduino and uiflow,you can try with it)🤔
RE: Detect LongPress-Button (but not only when released button)
@m5stickfreakler Try to set the longpress time shorter.
from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * setScreenColor(0x222222) buttonA_LongPressed = 0 buttonB_LongPressed = 0 buttonC_LongPressed = 0 longPress_ms = 600 # or shorter longPress_interval = 100 #============================== # Your code here
RE: Analog Pin
My earth unit can work on stickC with analog reading.
(Maybe is G33)#define analogpin 33 //maybe it's 32
RE: Problems with the GPS-Module
I suggest you to use internal antenna because it's portable and not easily damaged.
RE: Remote function on M5stickC
I have same question on my m5stickC(old version).When I set it to 98,it display but it is difficult to scan it.But when I set it to 96 it only displays a white square.
I think it's a big problem... -
RE: M5Stack Gyroscope Sensor
@merryq said in M5Stack Gyroscope Sensor:
Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAxNDMwMjAyNA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0
"It is a very difficult technique to switch the screen direction depending on the direction of the smartphone that you usually use casually, and to avoid picking up errors with only a single axis gyro sensor with m5stack. This means that the position and orientation are detected by combining various things, and sometimes they are corrected and corrected. This degree was the limit with the resolution reduction soft filter."
funny bugs on UIflow 1.4.5
What happened of this?I just pressed "+" to add a unit,but when I pressed "+" again,the tick on added unit is gone!
I choose it again,it will like that. -
RE: M5Bala problem
You should charge your battery to full. Do you tried to calibrate your sensor?
Press and hold the right C key to start the machine, and release the key after hearing the "drip" sound. The sensor will enter the calibration setting, and keep the host horizontal and still. After 3 seconds, the sensor calibration is completed, and it will automatically enter the balance mode after the calibration is completed.If you found that Bala cannot keep balance during use, it can be solved by trying to calibrate the sensor. -
RE: M5Atom Pixel Tool
The yellow bar means:
This threat has been removed and no further action is required.
You can exit your antivirus when you are downloading.