For compiling the firmware from the M5-PbHUB-Internal-FW repo, try using the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO. Both are open-source and offer a more modern experience. You can also use the command line with PlatformIO, which is pretty flexible.
Latest posts made by Slarck
RE: compiling sensor module firmware
RE: M5dial as bluetooth media controller
Use ESP32's Bluetooth HID capabilities to turn the M5Dial into a media controller. There are some ESP32 BLE HID examples on GitHub that might help, and check the M5Stack Docs or their GitHub for similar projects.
RE: DC Input questions on M5dial
I agree! USB power (5V) won’t be enough since the DC input requires at least 6V. If you’re set on using the DC port, you’d need a step-up converter. Otherwise, adding a USB connector to the wires sounds like the easier option.
RE: m5dial: wifi not work when rfid is enabled
The RFID module might be interfering with the WiFi signal. Try using a different power source or check if the RFID is drawing too much current and test with a different router or 2.4GHz channel.
RE: How to add multiple modules
Adding multiple modules to an M5Stick is possible, but you'll need to plan the connections carefully to avoid pin conflicts. Check the pinouts and consider using an expansion board. With the right firmware, you can get both the CC1101 and PN532 working together.
RE: i cant log in to m5burner linux
Try running M5Burner from the terminal to check for any error messages and make sure you have the latest version, and that Python & dependencies are installed correctly.