I want to add
- Upload a complete M5Stack Fire schematic of the current revision. There is none in the docs.
I want to add
This is not true.
The M5Stack ESP32 Camera Module is using a OV2640 with a "hack" of the I2S interface because this ESP32 subsystem is able to DMA for the data. The camera control is over the Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) protocol that is using I2C routines. Additionally the GROVE connector makes the I2C accessible for peripherals.
The M5Stack ESP32 WROVER with PSRAM Camera Module additionally has the BME280 and MPU6050 on a second I2C.
But who knows? Still there are no up to date schematics. I mean something with the actual wiring of the PCB. Not the overview picture. Which is btw only posted on Aliexpress:
My opinion: It is a silly idea to share the camera VSYNC and SIOC with the BME280 and MPU6050.
@Calin Hold your ear on the "mute" speaker. There is still noise with your code.
THX for the hardware mod suggestion.
A component designator only makes sense if you have the correct schematic.
@vvs551 Could you make a picture of the TOF PCB? The schematics are not yet available
I have a hypothesis on all this I2C issuses.
But before just to exclude software bugs, please check to use the latest ESP32 Arduino core, at least V1.0.1 https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases including all the recent I2C fixes.
@vvs551 If you wire the ENV module to the GROVE port A (with and without HUB) do you have the charging base connected?
Specifically do you have the M5GO Base (e.g. Fire) or the Core Bottom Base?
@lukasmaximus that document, which is heavily outdated
Install the github repository. The Arduino ESP32 v1.0.0 release version does not recover from failed reads on the I2C bus until the power is cycled.
Don't know what is the purpose of multiple power management ICs if you have only one battery. But the registers of this IP 5306_I2C are similar to the IP5108 covered in http://forum.m5stack.com/post/1464
Maybe to prevent the battery charging during boot is a workaround
M5Fire schematics?
Its fine to used the altered pin maps as basis but be aware your leaflets contain errors.
Fire has an undocumented I2C device on the bus, most probably the power management IC.
M5Camera really I2C SDA on G22 not G25? Schematics?
Not up to date, connectors missing
Have you installed the gitlab repository code or the release version https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases ?
Because the v1.0.0 Release has a huge I2C bug that affects all readings on the bus and is only corrected in the repository
The forum is hosted by Alisoft (Alibaba group) in Hangzhou behind the great firewall. So something might trigger the behavior (keywords) intentional or not. The main site is hosted in Singapore and not affected.
There is also this very weird behavior, that http://forum.m5stack.com is giving a timeout error from my IP address in the last week after I posted something here for 3 times. Well certainly coincidence, most certainly.
After renewing my dynamic IP this forum loads immediately.
I abandoned this platform for commercial prototypes because of lack of documentation. But at least there are now hints for more info in a new repository.