I saw a crypto project on the M5Stack and had to comment!
First of all congrats to @frittna for the good execution of the concept. Didn't try it myself, but looks great on the photos!
Seven years ago I started working on a similar crypto project. Decided to go all the way from idea to market, not just because I love crypto, but because I wanted to gain the learning and experience on the way. It was worth it!
I've seen a lot of "weekend projects", but none of them had the features I wanted or was easily configurable by non-technical people. So I brought my crypto project to a full commercial product. I call it the TicrThing - your dedicated price ticker. (sorry for the obvious ad)
The previous versions had custom-made hardware, but they always lacked something... Once I discovered the M5Stack, I thought it was a perfect fit. So I completely re-wrote my code for the M5Stack, wrote also the server side, and released the new product earlier this year. Hope this helps bring the M5Stack platform to a wider audience!

P.S. It was not my intention to hijack the thread, but to share the story of a similar crypto project and how it evolved to use the M5Stack.