Hello everyone,
Can anyone please advise if the UnitCam can be used with the M5Stack Core2?
The Cam Unit is greyed out in UiFlow.
If the UnitCam can be used with the Core2 I presume it needs to be wired to the pins beneath the CORE2 cover on the rear of the M5Stack Core2.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Best posts made by Kombistack
UnitCam with Core2
RE: Turn your M5Stack into a space clock
Amazing! Thank you very much Pavelprosto.
RE: Atom S3 lite Can't connect to cloud mode
@kombistack Well I don't know how I did it but I managed to get my AtomS3 Lite to connect to the cloud using the USB driver

and then using the Web Burner in UIFlow 2 to first erase the device and then reinstall the program. -
RE: Heart Rate Unit
Thanks teastain,
yes the heart rate unit is useless. It does not produce accurate results no matter how much you try and adapt the way you use it. -
RE: Speaker.Volume on Core2
I note that adding speaker volume to Core2 was suggested over two years ago and still has not been added. As the Core2 is a more expensive controller than Core I would appreciate this being resolved asap please.
RE: Core2 does not start after replacing CORE2 cover
Hi Felix,
You are right. When I removed the CORE2 cover and replaced it with only slight pressure the controller boots up.
SO the trick is not to push too hard and push the cover too far in, or as you say isolate the metal parts with tape.
Thank you for problem solving this for me and probably for others who have the same issue.
Cheers -
RE: Is Relay Unit programming broken
Thanks ajb2k3,
I did manage to get my Stamp Pico working with both a PIR sensor and relay unit.
The problem was my fault. In soldering on the grove connector to the Stamp Pico, I soldered it on the wrong side of the board so when I connected a grove cable - ground was connected to GPIO 33, 5v was connected to GPIO 32, GPIO 32 was connected to 5v and GPIO 33 was connected to ground. Fortunately I didn't cook my board.