M5Stack - Simple Applications Menu + some APPs
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Hi @TomSuch , I like your SAM, have cloned it and extend it a bit.
I have add an APP - appBME280, to read a Grove - Barometer Sensor.
M5Stack-SAM ext. version
@sunwukong Super, good work. Thank you
Added Serial Interface for remote control:
Serial control at 115200 8N1 and NL&CR termination
bright [0-255] - display bright
EXAMPLE: bright 128
clr - clear display
sleep - power sleep, wakeup on BTN_B
qrc [text] - show QRCODE with text
EXAMPLE: qrc www.google.comSend iBeacone message
ibeacon [major code 0-65535] [minor code 0-65535] [power 0-255]
EXAMPLE: ibeacon 1024 2048 50Send Eddystone TLM message
eddystonetlm [voltage 0-65535] [temperature 0-65535] [pocket cound 0-4294967295] [second from up 0-4294967295]
EXAMPLE: eddystonetlm 100 200 300 400Send Eddystone URL message
eddystoneurl [prefix 0-3] [power 0-255] [url]
EXAMPLE: eddystoneurl 1 1 google.com
0 http://www.
1 https://www.
2 http://
3 https:// -
@jimit Thank you for the positive bond ...
No problem Tom. Very much deserved !Have got a wifi scan working with this under the Apps menu... but need to more spend a bit more time to get the screen output layout right... so each scan displays from the same line each time.
Awesome, i think we should do some offical support about this good idea.
@m5stack Thank you. I'd like to create something like a Swiss knife for makers.I like M5Stack and I'd like to create applications like a simple pocket oscilloscope, multimeter, I2C / SPI sniffer, signal generator, and so on. I think M5Stack is a platform with a lot of potential. Regards..
New version:
APP - GY-512 (MPU6050) - gyro/accelerometer
APP - variable speed Serial PASS-THRU USB<->UART2
SYSTEM - System Informatins (CPU Speed, Flash Size, Flash SPEED, SDK Version .......)
Serial Commands - WiFiScan, I2CScan
@TomSuch I got your mind, and similar to me, i really hope it like a swiss knife. useful and meaningful.
I get errors on all
#pragma mark
[/code]Will comment out and try again
@kryten Please specify the error. Arduino version. Take PrintScreen.
Do you have installed M5.libraries ? ESP32 libraries ? -
@tomsuch 在 M5Stack - Simple Applications Menu + some APPs 中说:
APP - GY-512
very nice system!
APP - GY-512 works also with built-in MPU9250 :)Can You modify TIM MEASUREMENT APP?
S/S button should 1.START->2.STOP->3.START without reset between 2 and 3 step...(something like continous measurement with pause). For reset value we have RES button -
@reaper7 Hi, thanks for the subject. I edited the application of the stopwatch and is already out. Regards...
@jimit Hi, good work. But I did not find the code on your git ...
Oops... sorry bout that. Have added them now.... -
@jimit OK, I'm going to check it out ..
@jimit Hello Jimi, I have redesigned your WiFi scanner application and there is a new version M5Stack-SAM with this APP out there.