Unable to upload form Arduino to Cardputer
The Cardputer is recognized by Arduino "ESP32S3 CAM LCD" when requesting board info.
I think thi sis the reason, I am unable to upload to the Cardputer:
"Sketch uses 1119941 bytes (85%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes.
Global variables use 53516 bytes (16%) of dynamic memory, leaving 274164 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.
esptool.py v4.5.1
Serial port COM12
Connecting....A serial exception error occurred: Write timeout
Note: This error originates from pySerial. It is likely not a problem with esptool, but with the hardware connection or drivers.
For troubleshooting steps visit: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/troubleshooting.html
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1"I am using M5Stack 2.0.9 and tried 2.0.8, too, without success.
What am I doing wrong?
I can upload the existing projects from M5Burner, but I am unable to upload my own project.
Please help.
see here, yesterday;