Suggestions for future releases.
Hi. I've been playing with my M5Stack a few days. I would like to give some feedback to you. Overall, its great. Love it!. But it is not perfect...though very close. Well done. A few things I'd like.
PMU be more integrated with the ESP32. The ESP32 has a hibernation of just 5 µA so could be physically powered on all the time....but in deep-sleep mode. This works anyhow, though I am unsure how much current draw the other components inside might use when in hibernate?
The biggest annoyance I have though is with the M5Stack software. It is not built particually modular. For example, I wanted to get faster screen graphics and there is an optomised driver available here: - I managed to get this working on the M5Stack. However, I had to remove completely the M5Stack.h Which meant I was on my own getting the other things to work, creating everything from scratch.
If you can play well with other software out there, for the ESP8266 and arduinos, it would be so much nicer!
But, overall this is a wonderful piece of kit, and I offer suggestions only to make it even better.
Thanks. -
Thank you! We will make a lot of improvements in the next version.
:-) -
how do you get this then? i see peple getting it... but from where?
Where can we get a device for building prototype?
I agree, the bundled library for the screen graphics works but it would be nice to me able to change it out without having to edit the m5stack library itself.
Also I can't seem to figure out how to power it off while its charging...
All very cool, but if its real it will be better if main core and bottom will have 4 M3 screws instead of 2, becouse main and bottom cores not fully close together.
Hey @tonywestonuk. I tried using the TFT_eSPI library that you mentioned (I'm having issues with nRf24L01 and LCD working together). When you specified the pins for CS/CE did you use the "D8" node-mcu type pin names or just "27"? If so I wouldn't mind knowing what values (I know which GPIO pins I should be using).
This post is deleted! -
The Grove's Vcc would be nice to be 3.3V as the ESP32 is powered by 3.3V. Also, the Grove socket/connector is too tight, so much so, Grove male connector will break the edge.
but many devices need 5V, ESP32's IO can fit for 5V, anyway, i will think about this.
M5Stack now uses SPI mode for SD Card access.
It would be better if in some future core board release 1-line SD mode could be used.
Not only it works better, but one extra pin would be available to the user (only 3 pins are needed for 1-line SD mode).
If psRAM is used (hopefully all new M5Stacks will be with psRAM), this pin could be routed to the M5Stack 2x15 pin header instead of unusable GPIO16/GPIO17.
I know it would require rearanging the pins for some peripherals, but I think it's worth the effort. -
thanks for suggestions