Unexpected behavior on M5stack fire LEDs
Hello, I have just got my M5stack fire and is making a simple LED modifying program with M5ez. I use the same library as samples in arduino IDE,
. The program compiles with no errors, but when I start to use, the LEDs behave wierd.Here are the revalent code.
#define M5_NEO_NUM 10 #define M5_NEO_PIN 15 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(M5_NEO_NUM, M5_NEO_PIN); void setup() { #include <themes/default.h> #include <themes/dark.h> ezt::setDebug(INFO); pixels.begin(); pixels.setBrightness(255); pixels.show(); ez.begin(); }
Selecing which LED to control...
void mainmenu_leds() { ezMenu submenu("Set LED colors"); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("up # Back # Select # # down #"); for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) { submenu.addItem("LED#" + (String)i); } submenu.upOnFirst("last|up"); submenu.downOnLast("first|down"); while (submenu.runOnce()) { int pickedItem = (int)submenu.pick() - 1; if (pickedItem >= 0 && pickedItem < 10) { menu_setLED(pickedItem); } } }
Each LED gets individual control options here. (0 <=
<= 9)void menu_setLED(int led_no) { /* ez.msgBox("Set LED#" + (String)led_no, "You have picked LED#" + (String)led_no); */ ezMenu submenu("Set LED#" + (String)led_no); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("up # Back # Select # # down #"); //submenu.addItem("R | R\t0"); //submenu.addItem("G | G\t0"); //submenu.addItem("B | B\t0"); submenu.addItem("black | Turn off"); submenu.addItem("white | Turn bright"); while(submenu.runOnce()) { if (submenu.pickName() == "black") { pixels.setPixelColor(led_no, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0)); pixels.show(); delay(20); } else if (submenu.pickName() == "white") { pixels.setPixelColor(led_no, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255)); pixels.show(); delay(20); } } }
Expected behavior:
When "black" is picked, the corresponding LED should be turned off (pixels.Color(0,0,0))
When "white" is picked, the LED should turn white (pixels.Color(255,255,255))What really happens:
Usually the corresponding LED behaves normally, but the other LED may also light up random color due to unknown reasons.
Also, when set LED#0 to black, it displays green. That means LED#0 cannot be turned off now.I really don't know what is happening here, please help. Thanks in advance.
Please use FastLED Library for controlling RGB Led instead of Adafuit_NeoPixel Library.https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED
Because controlling RGB Led with Adafuit_NeoPixel Library will cause some unexpected bug, like some leds will turn into unexpected status(on or blink).
@bob1996w said in Unexpected behavior on M5stack fire LEDs:
Hello, I have just got my M5stack fire and is making a simple LED modifying program with M5ez. I use the same library as samples in arduino IDE,
. The program compiles with no errors, but when I start to use, the LEDs behave wierd.Here are the revalent code.
#define M5_NEO_NUM 10 #define M5_NEO_PIN 15 Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(M5_NEO_NUM, M5_NEO_PIN); void setup() { #include <themes/default.h> #include <themes/dark.h> ezt::setDebug(INFO); pixels.begin(); pixels.setBrightness(255); pixels.show(); ez.begin(); }
Selecing which LED to control...
void mainmenu_leds() { ezMenu submenu("Set LED colors"); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("up # Back # Select # # down #"); for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) { submenu.addItem("LED#" + (String)i); } submenu.upOnFirst("last|up"); submenu.downOnLast("first|down"); while (submenu.runOnce()) { int pickedItem = (int)submenu.pick() - 1; if (pickedItem >= 0 && pickedItem < 10) { menu_setLED(pickedItem); } } }
Each LED gets individual control options here. (0 <=
<= 9)void menu_setLED(int led_no) { /* ez.msgBox("Set LED#" + (String)led_no, "You have picked LED#" + (String)led_no); */ ezMenu submenu("Set LED#" + (String)led_no); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("up # Back # Select # # down #"); //submenu.addItem("R | R\t0"); //submenu.addItem("G | G\t0"); //submenu.addItem("B | B\t0"); submenu.addItem("black | Turn off"); submenu.addItem("white | Turn bright"); while(submenu.runOnce()) { if (submenu.pickName() == "black") { pixels.setPixelColor(led_no, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0)); pixels.show(); delay(20); } else if (submenu.pickName() == "white") { pixels.setPixelColor(led_no, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255)); pixels.show(); delay(20); } } }
Expected behavior:
When "black" is picked, the corresponding LED should be turned off (pixels.Color(0,0,0))
When "white" is picked, the LED should turn white (pixels.Color(255,255,255))What really happens:
Usually the corresponding LED behaves normally, but the other LED may also light up random color due to unknown reasons.
Also, when set LED#0 to black, it displays green. That means LED#0 cannot be turned off now.I really don't know what is happening here, please help. Thanks in advance.
The Neopixel code uses WS2812 leds where as the Go based used on the fire uses SK6812 leds which operate differently.
Thanks for the replies! The FastLED works with no "ghost LEDs", but I still have some questions:
When changingleds[some_led_index].r
, it actually changes the green value of the led.leds[some_led_index].g
changes red. blue works normally. Is there anyone having same problems? Thanks.This is the current settings I'm using:
#define M5_NEO_NUM 10 #define M5_NEO_PIN 15 CRGB leds[M5_NEO_NUM]; void setup() FastLED.addLeds<SK6812, M5_NEO_PIN>(leds, M5_NEO_NUM); // other setups... }
Compiler complains that
No hardware SPI pins defined. All SPI access will default to bitbanged output
, so I also triedWS2811
, but the same problem continues.The revelant code:
void setLedSingleChannelValue(int led_no, String channel, int val) { Serial.println("led_no " + (String)led_no + ", channel " + channel + ", val " + (String)val); if (channel == "R") { if (led_no < 10) { leds[led_no].red = val; } else { if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 11) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++ i) { leds[i].red = val; } } if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 12) { for (int i = 5; i < 10; ++ i){ leds[i].red = val; } } } } else if (channel == "G") { if (led_no < 10) { leds[led_no].g = val; } else { if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 11) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++ i) { leds[i].g = val; } } if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 12) { for (int i = 5; i < 10; ++ i){ leds[i].g = val; } } } } else if (channel == "B") { if (led_no < 10) { leds[led_no].b = val; } else { if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 11) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++ i) { leds[i].b = val; } } if (led_no == 10 || led_no == 12) { for (int i = 5; i < 10; ++ i){ leds[i].b = val; } } } } FastLED.show(); delay(5); } void checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(int led_no, String channel, int delta) { int check_led_no = (led_no < 10) ? led_no : (led_no == 12) ? 9 : 0; int currentValue = getLedSingleChannelValue(check_led_no, channel); int afterValue = currentValue + delta; afterValue = (afterValue < 0) ? 0 : (afterValue > 255) ? 255 : afterValue; setLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, channel, afterValue); } void menu_setLedSingleChannel(int led_no, String channel) { ezMenu submenu(getLedHeaderText(led_no, "Set")); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("-1 # -10 # Back | OK # # +1 # +10 # -50 # +50 # "); submenu.addItem(channel + " | " + channel + "\t" + (String)getLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, channel)); while(submenu.runOnce()) { String pickButton = submenu.pickButton(); if (pickButton == "-1") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, -1); } else if (pickButton == "+1") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, 1); } else if (pickButton == "-10") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, -10); } else if (pickButton == "+10") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, 10); } else if (pickButton == "-50") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, -50); } else if (pickButton == "+50") { checkAndSetLedSingleChannel(led_no, channel, 50); } submenu.setCaption(channel, channel + "\t" + (String)getLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, channel)); delay(20); } } // The program enters from this function. void menu_setLed(int led_no) { /* ez.msgBox("Set LED#" + (String)led_no, "You have picked LED#" + (String)led_no); */ ezMenu submenu(getLedHeaderText(led_no, "Set")); submenu.txtSmall(); submenu.buttons("up # Back # Select # # down #"); submenu.addItem("R | R\t" + (String)getLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, "R")); submenu.addItem("G | G\t" + (String)getLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, "G")); submenu.addItem("B | B\t" + (String)getLedSingleChannelValue(led_no, "B")); while(submenu.runOnce()) { String picked = submenu.pickName(); if (picked == "black") { if (picked == "R" | picked == "G" || picked == "B") { menu_setLedSingleChannel(led_no, picked); } delay(20); } }
@bob1996w I meet the same problem, I think I can answer your last question about RGB. I found code on M5Stack_NeoPixelTest.ino
NEO_GRB was the data stream order flag according to the comment. GRB & RGB orders different!
There were similar flags for FastLED, working code shows below