I just got my M5AtomS3 running with M5Unified (with very little changes from my M5Stick display code - other than fonts.) The buttons changed, and I'm not sure what a double click is yet..
Anyway, your reference to the "static pin value" is where I'm stuck as the M5AtomS3 references the FastLED.h and doesn't compile. I actually want to use FastLED.
Assuming this is the same error, can you document how you got it to compile? (If not I'll post my own problem).
/Users/scott/Documents/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/src/FastLED.h:304:39: required from 'static CLEDController& CFastLED::addLeds(CRGB*, int, int) [with CHIPSET = SK6812; unsigned char DATA_PIN = 23; EOrder RGB_ORDER = (EOrder)66]'
/Users/scott/Documents/GitHub/M5Unified-ESP_IOT_Nov24/ESP32_M5Unified/ESP_IOT/src/SensorClass/KeyUnitSensorClass.cpp:124:54: required from here
/Users/scott/Documents/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/src/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.h:358:46: error: static assertion failed: Invalid pin specified
static_assert(FastPin<DATA_PIN>::validpin(), "Invalid pin specified");