Request for code / Atom Echo Stram MP3 from Network / StreamHttpMP3
I’m looking for an example .ino file that can connect to WiFi, fetch an MP3 file from the network (e.g., http://ip/file.mp3), and stream it through the M5Atom Echo.
I’ve reviewed the examples provided by M5Stack, particularly the "StreamHttpMP3" example, but it seems to only play a local file (audio_chocobo), which doesn’t suit my needs. Additionally, my attempts to implement ESP8266Audio have led to various issues related to sample rates, memory management, and playback quality.
If anyone could provide a working example of true HTTP streaming of an MP3 file on the M5Atom Echo, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!
Hi @Al4085
Are you talking about this example?
As far as I know, this is indeed a program for streaming audio files. It has a URL that defines the music file and a buffer used for streaming.