Is anyone experiencing issues with UIFlow (and the burner tool when it tried to log in).
I can't log in to either v1 or v2. I am assuming there is some maintenance going on, but a warning would ge handy
Is anyone experiencing issues with UIFlow (and the burner tool when it tried to log in).
I can't log in to either v1 or v2. I am assuming there is some maintenance going on, but a warning would ge handy
Is anyone experiencing issues with UIFlow (and the burner tool when it tried to log in).
I can't log in to either v1 or v2. I am assuming there is some maintenance going on, but a warning would ge handy
@robski Thanks
I was looking on the GLASS2 page and there are no UIFLOW examples on there. I have come to the conclusion that GLASS2 is not fully implemented in UIFLOW2 as when I went back to UIFLOW1 there is a whole load of methods exposed on there. I may just have to learn a bit more about I2C and code via the Arduino IDE
Hi All
I've got a Glass2 unit attached to a Atom Lite via a grove cable. I can't find any documentation around how to access it. In UIFLOW2, I've found a init block that gives this code
def setup():
global i2c0, glass2_0
i2c0 = I2C(0, scl=Pin(32), sda=Pin(26), freq=100000)
glass2_0 = M5.addDisplay(i2c0, 0x3c, {"unit_glass2":True})
But I can't se how to access the glass to write text. Has anyone managed to do this?
Thanks @felmue. When I looked at your code I realised my mistake. I'd been treating the RGB LED as a simple LED, not an RGB. I should have read the spec sheet! It's all working as expected. I have also managed to get the M5Stamp attached to Blynk.
Hi @NuttyMonk
What Pin did you assign to the LED? The examples have 21, but I think it's 2. I can compile code , but can't get the LED to flash. I can do a WIFI scan, so know the toolchain is working
Hi @felmue
I got a bit further. Instead of just using the demo app, I built the app up step by step from the separate unit components and put debug prints on each step. I have now got the code printing a message at the top of the loop containing the two if/do statements. So for me it seems that taking the demo code was the problem. I don't know why though as I essentially built the same code block by block. The next problem is that Things Network is not letting me in. I think I will have to switch to the arduino IDE as there is a bit more control over debugging there
hi @felmue
Thanks for then help. I have stuck with the Atom and re-installed v1.10.2 and still get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module>
File "", line 152, in get
Unit: Please change unit LoRaWAN to other grove
I'll leave it a while and try again after a re-boot in case anything is cached
I tried to re-burn the M5Stick with the beta burner and it made the device unstable in that the screen was scrambled and it kept disconnecting from UIFlow. I re-burned on the stable burner and it sorted that out. When I tried to download the Lora demo code, the stick screen displays
'module' object has no atrribute 'LoRaWan'
Hi @felmue
I had downloaded and burnt firmware, I downloaded the new beta burner and tried that. The unit I have added is LoRaWAN868, I used the default PORT A. The object I get is LoRaWAN868_0. I am using a Atom Lite and the error I now get is.
*Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module>
File "", line 152, in get
Unit: Please change unit LoRaWAN to other grove
It seems like its telling me to select another Grove Port, but the only choices are PORT A and Custom. I will try and use a M5Stick CPlus and see if that works