@mikemuc68 yes, it works with 360. Set the angle to 90 for the servos to stop. Everything from 90 to 180 is forward. Everything from 90 to 0 is backward. Try slowly increasing the value to see how the speed changes.

Best posts made by sodoku
RE: Is the SERVOS HAT (8 Servos) able to control 360 Servos ?
RE: Import error("no module named 'uiflow' ", ) displayed on the M5Stack
I recommend downloading M5Burner from https://m5stack.com/pages/download and burning the latest UIFlow version first.
RE: Camera Tools installation on Win 10
@RBWilliams glad I could help.
To turn on the Camera you have to press and hold the power button. To turn it off you have to use something like a paperclip to press the reset button behind the small hole (see the picture at https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/unit/timercam_x). There it's also documented how to turn it on and off:
The low-power power management solution adopted by the Timer Camera series is different from the CORE and StickC devices. When in use, the PWR button is used as a power-on button(long press 2s). If you need to shut down the device, you need to use the software API or press the Reset button on the PCB.
RE: M5CoreInk: multi function button
You could use the buzzer to give feedback when the button was pressed. :)
Tutorial: Using COM.LoRaWAN in UIFlow
I wrote a tutorial on using COM.LoRaWAN in UIFlow.
This is my first tutorial at hackster.io, I would highly appreciate some feedback.https://www.hackster.io/sodoku/m5stack-com-lorawan-using-uiflow-fdcd7f
RE: Tutorial: Using COM.LoRaWAN in UIFlow
@anvalin I am glad I could help. I haven't done an example with sensors yet, because M5Stack said they would release support to the module in UIFlow which would make my example obsolete. I might still do it if I find the time.
I think the input power doesn't matter since the 12V will be regulated down to 5V anyway. I am also in Berlin. With a simple P2P test and a TTGO board in my window I recieved packages about 400m away. My record though was getting a connection to an outdoor TTN gateway which is over 8km away!
LoRa works best with a line of sight, any buildings inbetween can significantly decrease the signal.