Just new to MicroPhyton, I just collected some code pieces in the web to get a "Clock" background task coded with RTC and NTP Sync by just some code lines.
BTW. No flickering on the display etc.
Please feel free to comment; need to learn ;-)
# RTC Clock with NTP Sync for M5STACK
# References:
# https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=4329
# Lobo Version to init RTC and timezone
# https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3553&p=21616&hilit=timezone#p21616
from m5stack import machine
from m5stack import lcd
from time import strftime
import utime
import _thread
# move to lowest line on M5STACK display
lcd.setCursor(0, 227)
lcd.print("RTC Clock 1")
# initiate rtc
rtc = machine.RTC()
print("Synchronize time from NTP server with TZ=Germany ...")
rtc.ntp_sync(server="hr.pool.ntp.org", tz="CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3")
def watch():
while True:
# start position for Date
if not rtc.synced(): # set color to sync status
# lcd.setCursor(92, 227) # uncomment if you need date on display
# lcd.print("Date {}".format(utime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", utime.localtime()))) # uncomment if needed
# start position for time only
lcd.setCursor(213, 227) # uncomment if date active (see upper lines)
lcd.print(" Time {}".format(utime.strftime('%H:%M:%S', utime.localtime())))
_thread.start_new_thread ("clock",watch, ())