@firehopper I solved the problem by downloading the M5StickC Master from GitHub (https://github.com/m5stack/M5StickC) and use the library from there in my project. The M5.I2C Method is quite new as you can see here: https://github.com/m5stack/M5StickC/commit/6e590f8e4ed5ffaaf989af7628bf421587e15eb8

Best posts made by hague
RE: issue compiling m5stickc joyc.ino in arduino.
RE: Atom Lite ENV II with 3A mini Relay
You are using the GPIO 26 for the I2C connection to the BMP280 and SHT30 sensors. Then you can't use this pin as GPIO to switch the relay at the same time.
For the Relay, you will need a GPIO pin. For the BMP280, you will need I2C. This puts you in a dilemma if you only want to use the Grove connector. You can use the peripheral pins on the bottom side of the ATOM lite. Check this pin mapping:
There you can find 5V, GND and some free GPIOs. That should work.Alternately you can buy the EXT.IO GPIO Expander:
Then, you can address 8 additional GPIOS via I2C. -
RE: M5.BtnA.wasPressed() conflicts with WiFi?
The problem can be solved with a delay(20); at the end of the loop() function. 10ms was not enough on my system, but 20 does not show any more ghost keystrokes.
Swollen M5Stack Battery.
On one of my M5Stack devices the battery in the bottom module is swollen. That worries me!
I have used the M5Stack with the additional battery module. Then both batteries are connected in parallel, right?
Can that be the cause? Has anyone ever observed this when using the extra battery module?
RE: M5 Stickc Arduino samples - Temperature reading issue
I can confirm that it is related to the radiation from the M5StickC. When I connect the ENV-HAT with cables away from the stick, the sensor measures reasonable values.
Incorrect values if the ENV-HAT is directly connected:
Correct values if the ENV-HAT is connected via a cable extension: