M5Stack, any input on this?
It's the only communications format not in grove format (as far as I can tell)
M5Stack, any input on this?
It's the only communications format not in grove format (as far as I can tell)
It would be great to have Atom with more pins, especially something like this where it's backwards compatible with existing products and opens up opportunity for new products.
I'm really looking forward to dual band wireless too!
I use to mess around with Blue Pill using an ST-Link...
I see M5Stack has posted VS & Arduino source for some other STM32 based devices they have, figure I could always compile using whatever needed IDE then flash with the ST-Link
If possible, could you open on up, is there a place we could just solder a pigtail on?
Anyone else know?
@Blimzle I just sent M5Stack Store a message via the main site, I'll let you know
Worse case, one could always DIY some firmware for it for any newly desired features in the future
I'm trying out the Core2 with Stepmotor Driver Module,
where's the firmware source for the Stepmotor Driver Module v1.1?
@jaxsuks I had issues with their library as well, I switched to AccelStepper and had to figure out why mine didn't work either, turned out to be the reset pin needed to be pulled high.
Hm, can't figure out how to mark text as code... so here it is...
#include <AccelStepper.h>
int pin_en = 5;
int pin_direction = 7;
int pin_step = 6;
int pin_reset = 39;
int pin_voltage = 8;
int pin_fault = 38;
int microstep = 1;
AccelStepper stepper(AccelStepper::DRIVER, pin_step, pin_direction, true);
float stepperGetVoltage() {
int input = analogRead(pin_voltage);
float voltage_divider = 5.999; // 7.5k & 1.5k
float voltage_adc_max = 3.3;
float voltage = voltage_divider * voltage_adc_max * (float(input) / 4095);
return voltage;
bool stepperHasFault() {
return digitalRead(pin_fault);
void stepperReset() {
digitalWrite(pin_reset, LOW);
digitalWrite(pin_reset, HIGH);
void stepperSetup() {
pinMode(pin_voltage, INPUT);
pinMode(pin_fault, INPUT);
pinMode(pin_reset, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin_reset, HIGH);
stepper.setPinsInverted(false, false, true);
void setup() {
int steps = 800;
steps = steps * microstep;
void loop() {
// Pin Pong with 4 Revolutions
if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0) {
The current one does suck, lol. Mainly only good as a UPS or if you need to run your thing for only a few hours since you can't sleep for longer standby use.
AtomS3 - Ability to programmatically disconnect the onboard MPU6886 to prevent potential address conflicts with external I2C devices or use of the pins G38/G39 for non-I2C uses.