The "VER" button did not work but now I get the "beta" option. Strange but nice

Best posts made by Ariane98
RE: SPK hat for m5 stick
RE: M5burner on windows7 cannot flash
updated to 1.4.0 beta and that's OK now
Thank you
I've looked at your book...quite nice
Latest posts made by Ariane98
M5stick from PlatformIO
Having problems with UIFlow, I tried PlatformIO to program the M5stick.
I was able to upload the "arduino-wifiscan" but then I wanted to print Wifi infos on the screen. I thought I had to #include <M5StickC.h> but it "gets red" and says I should update includePath
Why/how do I do that ?
I tried "pio lib install "M5StickC" and no more red alert...for a while, but then error again about includePath
If someone had a simple step by step setup for the M5StickC it would help me a lot... -
RE: M5stick frequently disconnected
I guess the USB thing is only for offline version ? (I've never used it before)
RE: M5stick frequently disconnected
It's somewhat better today, but I still have to try 3 times before it connects/uploads
It's the orange stick M5StickC
I tried firmware 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
I did not try offline UIFlow yet -
RE: M5stick frequently disconnected
I noticed that today...maybe 11:11 is as busy as a week end?!
Is there a way to install a private server (local or remote)? -
M5stick frequently disconnected
Hi, dear UIFlow users
I purchased a M5stick a few weeks ago, and was able to have fun programming it with UIFlow. So I thought I would use these things for workshops with kids, and I bought some more M5Stick. Then I used M5 burner to get them ready
Unfortunately, when I try to "Run" the code, UIFlow usually says the stick is disconnected. Every 3, 6 or 10 times it does upload the code though. That is very annoying...
I tried many sticks, many version (both firmware and UIFlow)...with no luck
The sticks do connect to my wifi network, I can ping them
If someone had hints/clues/... it would be great ! -
RE: SPK hat for m5 stick
The "VER" button did not work but now I get the "beta" option. Strange but nice
Thanks -
RE: SPK hat for m5 stick
On my tablet it seems I can only have UIFlow 1.2.3, it has "Units" but not "Hats"
tablet vs pc
I'm using UIFlow online with m5stick, from my browser (chrome)
When I access UIFlow (http://flow.m5stack.com/) from my PC it says v 1.4.0. Beta, and and can use hats
When I access the same address from my tablet with Chrome, it says V1.3.2 ans I cannot use hats (only Units show up)
Could someone help me upgrading UIFlow to 1.4.0 ?
(the stick is 1.4.0 Beta) -
SPK hat for m5 stick
I just got 3 hats for my m5 stick (orange)
While ENV and PIR show up in the units list in UI flow, I cannot find the SPK. How can I use the speaker ? -
RE: M5burner on windows7 cannot flash
It works now, after some minor changes
Thanx again