Hi All, I have just uploaded a video review of the Apps to Youtube Apps Review
I made a silly mistake with the oscilloscope App as of course it cannot handle negative going inputs!!

Posts made by 1nformatica
RE: M5Stack MultiApp Advanced Firmware
RE: M5Stack MultiApp Advanced Firmware
@calin Wow! That was quick, much appreciated.
RE: M5Stack MultiApp Advanced Firmware
@calin From WeatherUnderground's web site "To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program. If you have been directed to download our Weather Underground free API key by a third party provider, please contact your vendor for resolution."
RE: M5Stack MultiApp Advanced Firmware
@calin Hi, any timeframe for when you may be able to change to OpenWeather? I have just done an overview video on YouTube and next want to review the individual Apps. It would be really neat if the weather App was working. Thanks.
M5Stack MultiApp Advanced Firmware Installation Tutorial Guide -
RE: Arduino IDE fails to compile Weather Station v8 example sketch
@jimit Many thanks for the reply, it is sad as it was the example I wished to include in my M5Stack YouTube review. Glad you liked it anyway! For those who are interested the video is here: M5Stack Review
RE: Arduino IDE fails to compile Weather Station v8 example sketch
@1nformatica A little more detail. I have installed the M5Stack github repository and can successfully compile and upload the basic and advanced sketch examples. However when I try to compile the weather station sketch it fails because when the M5Stack board is selected the required libraries which are for the esp8266 are unavailable. Even when the libraries are copied to the Arduino documents folder the sketch fails to compile with many errors. Does anyone actually have this sketch running?
Arduino IDE fails to compile Weather Station v8 example sketch
Hi, I have been trying to compile this sketch
https://github.com/m5stack/M5Stack-IDF/tree/master/components/M5Stack/examples/Advanced/Proof/weather-station-v8I used latest Arduino IDE but it fails because it relies on libraries that only seem to be available when selecting "Generic ESP32" board. I have clearly misunderstood something so please can someone point me in the right direction. BTW I also looked at trying to complie with the ESP-IDF environment but the example files are clearly .ino for the Arduino IDE.
Thanks in advance.