M5 paper become brick?

  • Hello everyone,
    I just get my M5 paper today.
    I use the M5 burner to burn other firmware.
    However, after a few times of burning, the m5paper is just on the same screen.
    alt text
    No matter what button I press, it still doesn't work.
    Then, I try to burn the FactoryTest into the M5 paper.
    alt text
    The burning process seems successful but it still stays on the same page.
    What should I do to fix it?

  • Hello @jackchan000

    try to reset / restart your M5Paper with the button in the back. If that doesn't work then I guess the battery probably needs charging. Have you tried to leave it connected to USB for a couple of hours?


  • M5paper had been charged for the whole day.
    Then, I burn the factory test again.
    It still stays on the same page.

  • Hello @jackchan000

    have you tried to see if there is any hint /error in the log? With M5Paper still connected via USB, click the button COM Monitor (top right in M5Burner) - this should open the log window. Then press the button in the back of M5Paper to restart it.
    Below is what I get in the log running Factory Test v0.0.2:

    [D][esp32-hal-psram.c:47] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
    M5EPD initializing...[D][M5EPD_Driver.cpp:77] begin(): Init SUCCESS.
    [E][esp32-hal-cpu.c:93] addApbChangeCallback(): duplicate func=400FA268 arg=3FFBDEE0
    [W][sd_diskio.cpp:505] ff_sd_initialize(): GO_IDLE_STATE failed
    [E][sd_diskio.cpp:775] sdcard_mount(): f_mount failed: (3) The physical drive cannot work
    [D][GT911.cpp:35] begin(): GT911: Initialization
    [D][font_render.c:63] font_cache_init(): Chace use 51104 bytes
    [D][systeminit.cpp:189] SysInit_Start(): done
    [D][epdgui.cpp:155] EPDGUI_MainLoop(): Run Frame_Main
    [D][font_render.c:63] font_cache_init(): Chace use 6820 bytes


  • =================
    ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
    waiting for download

  • Hello @jackchan000

    ok, for some reason GPIO0 is held low causing the ESP32 starting up into download mode. GPIO0 is controlled by the USB serial chip inside M5Paper which in turn is controlled from the USB driver. (There is nothing much you can do to change that except maybe try a different computer.)

    Try to power off and power on your M5Paper with the following steps:

    • disconnect USB
    • press button in the back (this should power it off) Note: there is no visible change on the screen when doing that.
    • press middle button on the side (this should power on M5Paper and run the factory test)

    Note: the button in the back has two functions depending on whether M5Paper is connected to USB or not.

    • reset (USB connected)
    • power off (USB not connected)
