M5StickC BUGC... why do we change charge current?!
In BUGC.ino, there's an interesting line - "If add battery, need increase charge current".
It's brief! I take it to mean - that if I use the little li-ion battery that comes with the BUGC, I need to include this line that changes the charging current of the M5StickC?
I'm -guessing- that the battery in place also powers the M5StickC's internal battery charger?
Why am I increasing it!? Shouldn't I be decreasing the charge current to it doesn't drain the robots power?
What if I left it as whatever its default is?
void setup() { M5.begin(); BugC.Init(); M5.Lcd.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN); M5.Lcd.setRotation(1); M5.Lcd.drawCentreString("BUGC example", 120, 50, 4); // if add battery, need increase charge current M5.Axp.SetChargeCurrent(CURRENT_360MA); }
setting a fit charge current level would let the battery charge fast. if use the default charge current it would spend a long time to be full.
@m5stack Thank you!