How to change the I2C adress of a module ?

  • I want to use 2 COPLUS motor driver moduls for 4 DC motors.
    I read in the forum that I have to change to I2C adress via a modification of the firmeware. (change the default adress and burn a new firmware.)
    How can I do that ? is there a special software ?
    Is there a list of used I2C adresses inside the M5Stack system - so I canfind a "free" I2C adress ?

    OR .... is there an easy way to controll 4 DC motors ?


  • The documentation page has a list of i2c addresses:

  • Thank you - thats helpfull !!
    Just a little question - maybe a Dummy question:
    How do you know that ?
    How do you know that there is an adress like you send me ?

    Is there any documentatio I have to go thru - to know all that things ??

    Next thing concerning I2C change:
    I read, that I should use a software called "M5burner"., It is the same that I find in every documentation in the beginning.
    There you should have the possibility to download firmware and flash it.
    I tried the software, but I can not find any possibility for download a firmware or a piece of software.
    Is there a documentation for "M5burner" ?

  • I am just very excited about M5Stack stuff at the moment and I am poking around everywhere. :)

    I found that table at in the top navigation:

    0_1607681378871_Screenshot 2020-12-11 110742.jpg

  • There is are quick start guides that also explain how to use M5Burner. Here is one

  • Oh - I made a mistake !
    It is not the software "M5burner" - this is clear for me - excuse me.

    I do not understand "EasyLoader".
    This software is mentioned on the top of every documentation and there are different versions for every unit.
    But what is the software flashing ? -
    I know that EasyLoader flashing "a firmware" - but were is it from and what firmware ?

    Is it a kind of update service ?

    In one topic of this forum it is said, that I can cange the I2C adress with this software. I have only change a line value inside a file or script ??? no more info.

    Do you know more about that software and how it is working ?

    Thank you again for your helpful answers.

    p.s. I'm exited too about M5Stack and I want to use it in a autonomous vehicle. That's why I'm asking for the use of multiple sensors and motors.