live motion tracking with multiple m5stickc in unity [QUESTION]
@ajb2k3 damn. i just randomly got the thought to check the forum and see you posted 2 mins ago. crazy...
Thanks i will check it out -
@shintobi only got the email an 10mins befor posting on the forum
I remember a Japanese user posting a video on twitter about using the M5Stack as a controller in unity. I found his slides its all in Japanese I'm afraid and not possible to copy past the text to translate but here's the link in the slides he mentions a bluetooth library called grayblue, might be worth a shot checking that out. I also found these other two blog posts covering the subject again in Japanese but this time at least you should be able to copy and paste the text to translate and
@shintobi , just sent you a voucher to our Unity MQTT asset.
@ajb2k3 for this use case I would recommend streaming IMU data to InfluxDB. Seems more appropriate for limb tracking.
@lukasmaximus , below is some code I used on PYCOM hardware and WebBluetooth. I ran into issues when getting characteristic notifications faster than 1/2 sec. Not sure if it was an IDF GATT issue or WebBluetooth or PYCOM implementation. But it did kinda work.
@cmisztur thanks for sharing
@cmisztur the unity mqtt asset looks nice. but where can i put port / user / pwd? :D
i am using cloudmqtt as my broker. -
@lukasmaximus will check it out. thanks!
@shintobi check out some of the scenes like ping-pong. It’s in a script on a GO.