Finger Print Sensor Unit (FPC1020A) save the output on a sd

  • Finger Print Sensor Unit (FPC1020A) add function to store the output on a sd card and use compare on all fingerprints stored on the sd card. This would be useful for research purposes as then we could check if we already interviewed the person by looking at the fingerprint as not everyone has a id and a name that doesn't change. Currently the fingerprint unit works fine but everything is stored on the unit and i can't get access to the fingerprint image or the feature values. It would be great if it would be possible to store the Output (User name, image, feature value) on the sd card and have the ability to iterate through all stored fingerprints to compare if it matches a new one and return the username if it found a matching fingerprint, if none is found it should store it as a new fingerprint on the sd card and generate and display the new username or id.
    Currently it is only possible to store 150 fingerprints with is not enough for my use case and I couldn't find a way to create a backup of all features, so if there is an issue with the Unit all data will be lost and there is a high risk of that happening while doing Fieldwork.
    It would also be nice to be able to execute the compare function on the m5Stack core unit instead of the Finger Unit so that the code gets executed faster when handling over 1000 fingerprints.