UART communication problem
I'm trying to use the UART port (grove C) on the Fire to talk to my computer. My computer use a FTDI USB-RS232 converter to generate the serial signal.
I found I can detect some signal from the fire on my computer, but Fire cannot read the signal from computer. (I used pyserial to send the signal from my computer)I guess it's because UART is not compatible with RS232 signal but I'm not sure. Please help if you have related experience.
Can you try a different port (A or B)? Fire has PSRAM on the same pins as the signals on Port C and that can make issues.
OK, I will try Grove A and B. By the way, what's the signal level of UART on Fire? I suspect it's not compatible with RS232 signal. (I see some microcontrollers need a converter to convert between TTL and RS232).
Thank you!
Sorry, that I don't know.