Wondery Outdoors is a BIPOC-owned, women-led brand dedicated to empowering women to confidently embrace the outdoors. Founded on the belief that everyone belongs in nature, Wondery focuses on offering high-quality, versatile outdoor gear and apparel for women, with an emphasis on inclusion, sustainability, and community. With a mission to bridge the gap for historically underrepresented groups, such as women of color and mothers, Wondery helps make the outdoors accessible to all.
Outdoor Gear & Apparel: Versatile clothing and equipment designed for all types of outdoor adventures, including hiking, camping, and casual outdoor activities.
Community Events: Organized hikes, meetups, and workshops aimed at bringing together like-minded women to experience and enjoy the outdoors.
Custom Outdoor Solutions: Tailored gear for women of all shapes, sizes, and experiences to ensure comfort, style, and function.