If light sleep wakeup is 5000 the display is enabled after wakeup.
But If light sleep wakeup is >50000 (...or more) the display is not enabled after wakeup.
The pin 8 is still going off and on.
Anyone experience with ATOM S3 Light Sleep ?
If light sleep wakeup is 5000 the display is enabled after wakeup.
But If light sleep wakeup is >50000 (...or more) the display is not enabled after wakeup.
The pin 8 is still going off and on.
Anyone experience with ATOM S3 Light Sleep ?
I'm working with ATOM S3 in UIFlow 2.0. When I import an existing project (after closing the day befor) I have to re-int some pins (random nr.). In the same project in other functions these pin's are still available. I saved already in other fillename...still issue.