Bad, works when plugged to computer
but DOESN'T WORK when standalone :(

Project Management Director and Editor in Database Software Systems Development
I'm enjoying ESP32 with M5StickCPlus, M5StampC3U, M5AtomMatrix and M5AtomS3 in MicroPython
Latest posts made by stjofr
RE: MPU6886 (Accelerometer) with Atom S3 in MicroPython (
RE: MPU6886 (Accelerometer) with Atom S3 in MicroPython (
No need :)
I have it :)
MPU6886 (Accelerometer) with Atom S3 in MicroPython (
I use this code :i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(39), sda=Pin(38)) sensor = MPU6886(i2c) ax, ay, az = sensor.acceleration
It's OK when connected to PC with USB in Thonny
But there is an error when the M5AstomS3 is connected to a simple charger !Is there a correct to use with AtomS3 ?
Generating QRCode in MicroPython [GUIDE]
Try this code !
import M5 M5.Display.clear() M5.Display.drawQR(x=0, y=0, w=128, text="")
And you have this :
RE: Battery follow up in UI Flow2
This code will help :
M5 MicroPython Library documentation
Python is cool, so in the interface you can type :
import M5 help(M5)
So you have a list of all M5 Library Content, such as :
help(M5.Display) # I find the fillCircle function :) M5.Display.fillCircle(20, 20, 10, 0xFF0000) # And I draw a red ball :)
But I had to guess the arguments of the fillCircle function :(
Is there a way to have a complete documentation of the libraries ? Cause we have not the full prototype :
help(M5.Display.fillCircle) # object <bound_method> is of type bound_method
RE: microPython on esp32 C3 mate error InvalidPin when use GP19 for relay.
Why don't you use the 1st argument (pin number) in integer format ?