I have an M5Stack with the watch bottom and I want to add an MPU9250 to it to detect wrist movement.
(I also have an M5StickC which comes with an MPU6886 built in, but it's lacking other features I need...)
To get maximum compatibility for existing libraries, I would like to wire my MPU9250 to my M5Stack the same way it's being done for the M5StickC with the MPU6886.
So I looked at the schematics:

I mean I can make a good guess about SYS_SCL, SYS_SDA, VESP_3V3 and GND.
But what is SYS_INT? According to the schematics it's GPIO35 on the ESP32, but which pin is it on the MPU?
My MPU9250 has the following pins: VIN, 3V3, GND, SCL, SDA, SDO/SAO, NCS, CSB:

So my guess so far is that i should connect it like this:
VIN -> not connected
3V3 -> 3V3
SDO/SAO -> not connected
NCS -> not connected
CSB -> not connected
But according to the schematics I'm missing a pin (SYS_INT).
Any help is appreciated.