Hi, I can't seem to find any documentation on this...
How do I restart Core 2 from within Arduino code that it's running?
Like a software restart command.
Hi, I can't seem to find any documentation on this...
How do I restart Core 2 from within Arduino code that it's running?
Like a software restart command.
My project is written in the Arduino IDE using some 3rd party libraries.
If I use UIFlow will I be able to export the code I create in UIFlow into the Arduino IDE to add to my project?
As a beginner, the Core 2 factory demo is impressive but is way too complicated for newbies to follow.
Can I suggest it would be much easier if the code was commented to explain what the functions are doing.
And if possible to even break down the factory code into individual modules so we can see and learn each function.
I know its a big ask but it would be a huge help in speeding up the process of us learning with the M5 products.
The core2 factory Arduino demo includes touch screen beep sounds as include *.c files.
How do I create my own .c files from my own mp3 or wave audio clip?
And my second question is as an alternative to including and *.c file can I add the sounds to SPIFFS memory, if so how do I play them? can anyone point me to a demo code or tutorial please?
Is the M5Stack SIM800 module compatible with the Core 2?
I just connected and I have noticed the Red Port A has stopped working.
Any advice appreciated, thank you.
I am a newbie trying to understand how to convert the sample grove code for their 125Khz RFID from a SoftwareSerial to be able to connect to the hardware red grove connector on the side of the M5 stack?
Sorry, another newbie question... I am a little confused as the module says grove serial port with TX & RX but the documentation on the grove port on the M5 seems to refer to SLA or SPI?
Also in general question... I see a lot of sample Arduino tutorial code that uses SoftwareSerial, how do I convert those projects to use the hardware serial on the M5?
Thank you for your help.