I can be more specific.
When I "Download" from UI Flow 2 to the device, it works:
Press BtnA to switch on.
Press BtnA to switch off, once my program allows, with custom MPY:
But a problem is if I LONG press (6 secs) BtnA, the device FULLY resets. It goes to the QR code and device Mac screen. That menu crashes almost immediately, meaning I can't rotate the dial to run my Python script. The only way to get it back working is to redownload from UI Flow 2?
Is there a way to turn off that long-press reset function? Or to stop the QR code menu from crashing, so I can at least run my program?
These details about long press BtnA or the reset button on the back don't seem to be covered by the main reference, https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/M5Dial