You will have a more stable program if you use the asynchron EzData functions.
They are unfortunately not mentioned in the "documentation", but they are available in the M5Stack Flow interface. The main difference is that the asynchron functions implement a python callback function in the background (also accessible in the Flow view) to capture possible errors.
In my case I got frequent error "23" with the synchron Ezdaza functions.
As with all M5Stack flow interface functions there is no python exception handling implemented.
Therefore I had trouble with frequent program stops until I framed the EzData python functions in a TRY/EXCEPT block within an "execute" block.
However, later I discovered the asynchron EzData functions which will actually do this job.
Even better is that they do not slow down the main program flow which in my case detects the ticks and speed of my old Ferraris energy meter.
Note that in case of an error the value that you tried to push to the EzData queue is simply not stored.
Example of the asynchron EzData functions: