When I upload an demo example on the M5 stick c the connection to device gets lost and I cannot reconnect again. It discplays on the bottom left side "Disconnected" and after pushing the "Refresh device status" button it throws the error message "Upload code failed, maybe your device is offline check it and retry" .
How to solve this?
Posts made by emrem6
UI Flow loses connection to device after uploding demo example
RE: Error during connecting to WIFI
Thanks! I had really a space in my WIFI name so i changed it and now it works fine!
Error during connecting to WIFI
Hello all,
I have an M5 Stick-C and I want to set up it with UIFlow. As per the guide at https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/quick_start/m5stickc/m5stickc_quick_start_with_uiflow I have burned the latest Version of the Firmware on the stick successfully. After that, I was trying to connect the Stick with my local WIFI via my mobile phone. I have connected my mobile phone with the Stick and reached via Browser to the Config-page via IP-address. I am selecting my local WIFI and entering my password and then it fails. "WIFI connection failed - Click here to return to the configure page". I am 100% sure that I am typing my WIFI password correctly. I checked the Router configuration and nothing seems to be strange.
I tried it via the WIFI of a friend and it connected successfully. So I guess something is blocking the connection to my Router.
Does anybody have an idea about what is the problem here or maybe someone has the same issue?Thanks