Hi, I am using a CoreS3 with UIFlow2. It appears to me that the local time function is bugged with its calculation of weekday and yearday.
Below is what stated in the UIFlow2 programming guide about the function.
Below is my code UIFlow2, just to display UTC time and local time of several different timezones.
Below is the output on my CoreS3 screen.
It appears that UTC function displays both weekday and yearday correctly. With Jan 25th being a Saturday, it shows 5 (Saturday) and 25 for weekday and yearday respectively, as what can be expected according to the programming guide.
But local time function appears to be bugged:
For GMT0, the date is also Jan 25th (Saturday), but it displays 6 (Sunday) and 24 for weekday and yearday respectively.
For GMT-12, the date is Jan 26th (Sunday), but it displays 0 (Monday) and 25 for weekday and yearday respectively.
Is it indeed a bug, or do I just misunderstand the local time function?