I haven't found Atom JoyStick in UIFlow (for Stamp Fly).
Is it because it don't exist yet? Or because, don't I see it?
I haven't found Atom JoyStick in UIFlow (for Stamp Fly).
Is it because it don't exist yet? Or because, don't I see it?
Issue solved.
The problem was in the 15x2 PIN BUS of the M5Stack core.
It was been necessary to adjust all pins.
Now, it is works fine.
Does this block exist in UiFlow2?
It's an App Inventor block and allows me to query the BLE server, and it sends me a response I can read.
Or, how can I perform this query with UiFlow2?
Thank you.
I have problems with UiFlow 2.2.0.
I could use BLE with UiFlow 2.1.8, but the same program doesn't run in 2.2.0.
The progam can't start. The device return at Uiflow main menu.
I have update UiFlow in the devices (Core M5stack and StickC, but I have the same problem.
I haven't found Atom JoyStick in UIFlow (for Stamp Fly).
Is it because it don't exist yet? Or because, don't I see it?
I am trying to receive a bytearray via BLE from a server, but I can't get a response.
By sending a certain bytearray via BLE to the Sbrick device, it returns a response indicating the temperature value. And through another bytearray, the voltage value is returned.
In App Inventor I get it with these blocks:
But in UiFlow 2.0 I can't get it using these blocks:
What am I doing wrong?
s it possible that this block will not trigger the server response?
Perhaps, the mode argument is mode=0 (write-without-response). Or am I mixing up different things?
I can't get a response from the server with the "When BLE client on notify" block or with the "When BLE client on read complete" block
I need help, or a lot of help. :)
Thank you very much.
Hello Oscar...
For connect M5stack to Shelly BLU:
And you can see an example in: https://community.m5stack.com/topic/6737/receiving-response-from-ble-server
I hope it can be of use to you.
Best regards.
I can't get a response from the server with the "When BLE client on notify" block or with the "When BLE client on read complete" block
I need help, or a lot of help. :)
Is it possible that this block will not trigger the server response?
Perhaps, the mode argument is mode=0 (write-without-response). Or am I mixing up different things?
Please, someone who controls all this and can help me a little.
Thank you very much.