Thermal unit (MLX 90640) not working on Pa.HUB
On a Core 2 using UIflow2, I am unable to get a thermal unit (MLX 90640) to work when connected via a Pa.HUB. The thermal unit works when connected directly to port A, but not with the hub. There is no error, but everything freezes.
I have attempted different addresses (0x70, ox71 etc..) for the hub, different frequencies for the i2c bus configuration (100 and 400kHz), and different thermal unit refresh rates (0.5 Hz and 1 Hz).
Any advice will be appreciated.
is PaHUB ok with something else?
@robski : Yes, several Pa.HUBS were tested. They all worked with ENV IV, Dlight, Volt, Ampere etc.. units, but when the MLX 90640 unit is connected (with, or without other units, and on any of the 6 channels), everything becomes unresponsive.
any chance to test it with uiflow1 or diff controller on uiflow2?
@robski : Thanks for the suggestion. I will check UIFlow for interest sake.
However, as far as I am aware UIFlow 1 cannot easily resolve the address conflict between the Pa.HUB unit and units such as ENV IV (by default they both use 0x70). Thus, even if UiFlow 1 works, it will create other problems for me.
I got the feeling from other posts reporting problems with the MLX units (not using UIflow) that the clock speed and refresh rates were causing issues, however, I am not sure if those remedies can be implemented with UIFlow 2.
I will also check with other controllers as soon as I have a moment.
@robski :
Edit: The address conflict is not with the ENV IV units, but with something else - either way I must remain on UIFlow 2.
I checked with two additional controllers: Atom matrix, and Stick C plus : The same issue.
However, odly I am able to "fool" the controllers for a brief timeperiod by going through a very particular sequence in Block editor:
- add a PaHUB with some other sensor unit assigned to it in channel 0 of the HUB, and run the script - ALL OK
- Physically replace the sensor (channel 0) on the HUB with the thermal unit, but assign it directly to the i2c bus, and run the script - ALL OK
- Add several other sensor unit to the Pa.HUB (but keep the thermal unit assigned to the i2c bus, and run the script - ALL OK (runs several times without an issue, and all sensors respond correctly)
After saving the project and relaunching UIFlow 2, the script does not run, with this message: "Thermal unit maybe not connect"
Quite confused by this.