UI Flow 2.0 Switching back from main.py to the config&launch app
I just started with an Core S3 and UIFlow 2.0. I am absolutely delighted about the OTA feature.
One thing I could not find out by extensive research:
When I once use the button "Download the button to the device" I cannot get back to the initial configuration UI.
It appears like there is a main.py saved to the Core S3 and whenever it boots this is executed.
Am I missing something - i tried all kinds of key-pressing during boot?An related question - I would like to connect via MQTT to a server. Do I need to initialize Wifi inside my app? Obviously the device is online itself as this enables OTA. If I should use the configured WIFI - is it possible to try to connect to a fallback WIFI-Network in case the configured Network is not available (I plan to use the device in a mobile scenario).
Thanks for Your help!
Ralf -
@sistar_hh 1
This is normal, as download premaritally set the program to start on boot.
To reset you have to use M5Burner to change the boot configuration.Yes, OTA only work in test mode (the "> Run" button if you download, wifi is not activated an you will need to manually activate the wifi interface and connect to the target wifi.