Make your own firmware
Hello, i want to make my own StickC2-Plus firmware, but i dont know how to proceed, i coded a "hello world" firmware in C using Arduino but i dont know how to start my code like on the StickC..
@colythdev the StickCPlus2 is a significant upgrade from the StickC, but easy to modify your code to suit.
You can compare these M5StickCPlus2 basic sketches to the M5StickC.
Mostly, using this include helps:
#include "M5StickCPlus2.h"
@teastain Thanks for your answer, the thing is.. I dont really know how to start my code, like to build it and put it in my M5StickCPlus2..
@colythdev Fair enough. M5Stack has a Visual Block IDE that creates Python scripts. Called UIFlow.
I personally use Arduino IDE to create C, C++ source files, automatically compiled into Op Codes and downloaded to the M5Stack device.
Both styles are supported by M5Stack.
The examples I linked to you are Arduino IDE.
Have fun and learn!
@teastain Yes I'm using Arduino IDE but I dont know how to run the code through M5StickCPlus
@colythdev I recommend you read about arduino programming and then read on the specifics of ESP32 programming.
There are no "short cuts" you will need to learn the basics before moving onto programming M5Stack hardware.
@ajb2k3 yup i understand but i want at first how to start my hello world program thats how i learn.. Thanks for your answer btw