myCobot 320 UIFlow comunication problems
Hello there, I need help. I am currently working with myCobot 320 and I am unable to move the cobot using UIFlow. I tried to reinstall the drivers, burn the software again onto the core, I double checked the ATOM/CORE communication and everything seems fine but whenever I try to use the blocks to move the cobot, or just change the colors o atom matrix it does nothing. Anyone got any ideas?
Hi @DarthLost
Can you provide more information?
For example:- How are your myCobot and Atom/Core connected, and which communication protocol is used?
- Your specific process of
change the colors o atom matrix
It would be a great help if you can understand the entire communication process between your myCobot and Atom/Core from beginning to end.
@kuriko Hey, I am sorry it is my first time using forums so yeah.. lol. Anyway they are connected using internally in the cobot using I2C protocol.
I tried to change the colors and move the robot using the ThirdParty blocks that UIFlow have. My last attempt to at least do something was looking something like this:
Is the "POWER OK" or "ATOM OK" runs normally? In my opinion, it is necessary to add a serial print or any response that you have confirmed to be observed normally after each block to ensure that the program is not stuck somewhere. -
@kuriko Sorry for the delay in response. I did check it, the m5core reacts. When i unpluged the atom the logic printed "ATOM NOK"
Maybe you should try UiFlow 2.0 -
@kuriko The problem with UiFlow 2 is that it does not support the cobot, that is why I used UiFlow 1
@kuriko Why are there 2 UIFlows?
What is the difference between UIFlow1 and UIFLow2?
I see the occasional reference of UIFlow3? -
Because the entire framework of UiFlow1 can no longer support the large number of new devices and new functions, UiFlow2 is equivalent to redoing all the functions.
No there is no UiFlow3