Connect connect via API KEY?

  • Hi,

    I just configured the AP on my m5stack core v1.
    The icon went green (assume this means the connection to worked), and then rebootet.

    Now I'm in the screen where the API key is shown.
    But UIFlow Web cannot connect to that key.

    What might be wrong? How can I inspect like logs or similar?

    Strange thing is that the device does not show up in my fritzbox network tab, where I usually find all devices.

  • If the UIFLow is not accepting the API key you need to contact MyStack as they have had issue with the old server.
    Does it work using UIFlow2?

    What's fritzbox?

  • @membersound said in Connect connect via API KEY?:

    Strange thing is that the device does not show up in my fritzbox network tab, where I usually find all devices.

    If you not see the device in the fritzbox it seems not to be connected to the WiFi.
    Are you using the latest UIFlow firmware and did you set the WiFi name and password by the M5burner while burning the firmware? Try to erase the device and burn again.

    @ajb2k3: fritzbox is the name for a series of internet access routers made by AVM. They are very common in europe.

  • @holofloh said in Connect connect via API KEY?:

    did you set the WiFi name and password by the M5burner while burning the firmware? Try to erase the device and burn again.

    No, do I have to? I just entered them in the setup boot menu via AP setup.
    I'm not using UIFlow2. Should I? (because it's a m5stack core v1).

  • @membersound said in Connect connect via API KEY?:

    No, do I have to? I just entered them in the setup boot menu via AP setup.

    The result should be the same: connecting to WiFi. Might be that something went wrong and the name/password you entered had a typo or were not saved for any reason. Just as a test, try to set it in the burner tool.

  • @membersound yes, you need to configure the said and password using M5 burner just like you normally do for other WiFi devices