M5 CoreInk FactoryTest : how this example is supposed to work

  • Hi,
    I just get out off the box my M5 CoreInk and try to discover it by using examples. FactoryTest seems to me to be quite complete. But the test page can't work because it try to connect a i2c device on 0x76 that doesn't exist and as there is no comment at all and no documentation I don't know what device is expected.
    How this example is supposed to work ?

  • Hello @laflaf3d

    I could be wrong, but I think that part of the code is meant to test the Groove port. So I must assume that in the M5Stack factory something with I2C address 0x76 is connected to the Groove port during testing.

    Your options are to either ignore that part of the code - it should run even with nothing connected to the Groove port or connect any I2C sensor and modify the code to match its I2C address etc.
