M5Stack Core 2 External WiFi antenna

  • Hello everyone,

    Has anyone here tried installing an external WiFi antenna on the M5Stack Core 2? The built-in 3D antenna provides fairly limited performance, and I'm thinking about trying to mount an antenna with an SMA connector. My questions are:

    Where on the PCB should I solder the wires for the SMA connector after removing the 3D antenna?
    Where can I find the PCB schematic for the Core 2?
    Any advice or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated!

  • @momopl,

    Most things M5Stack are split between store. and docs., so see here for the schematic.

    I was curious, so I had a look inside my Core2 and it looks like there might even be a convenient breakout port for the SMA connector behind the label.


  • If you carefully look under the 3D antenna, you can see there are pre-soldered areas that look like for receiving an U.FL connector. Quite challenging to access to though. Maybe desolder the 3D antenna first.

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