Atom matrix & micropython - access to button library
I've installed micropython on my Atom matrix and playing with the tilt game described in I would like to have access to the programmable button and would therefore need some M5stack specific libraries. I install the M5Stack Micropython Base Lobo MicroPython but ther is no support for neopixel. I dig out the from some some code, but need the esp library provided in the ESP32 micropython distribution I don't find any way to find and copy that library over to my Atom. So the M5Stack micropython misses neopixel/esp libraries; and the general ESP32 micropython distribution misses M5Stack buttons. And then twins shall never meet.... Please help
Lobo Micropython is out of date. You need the 1.7.7 firmware that is available in the M5Burner firmware installer found on m5stacks download page.